I love violence.
I also like how the civilized crowd here is trying to shoehorn supposed civilization into an aspect of society that is the absolute worst combination of art and science: justice. The whole system and related professions are about percentages. How many crimes are committed that go completely undetected? Half? How many get let off so light they can moonwalk out of court? Most? How many are wrongfully accused? A small number. How many spend millions of tax dollars on appeals for no reason? Lots. How many spend millions because they were screwed? Few.
It's a tragedy if one innocent man is killed is the logic here, right? How about: it's a tragedy if we bog down our entire justice system so much that fuck-your-couch plea bargains are all that keep it from imploding.
And human life is so goddamn valuable. It's why we box it up for 25 years and tend it like an expensive Chia pet. That's the apex of civilization. We cry our eyes out over the few failures of the system and turn the hammer of justice into a brick of Nickelodeon Floam so the rest of society suffers. Awesome. We should start issuing judges Nerf bats instead of gavels.
I'm okay with the failures of the justice system as far as capital punishment. The level of professionalism of justice workers (cops, lawyers, judges), justice technology (investigation, forensics), and overall the expansion and awareness of civil rights are constantly improving. The percentage of fuck-ups will get smaller. Once the US figures out how to get potheads out of jail and stops beating on black males so hard, we'll be really on our way.
Nobody said it was going to be perfect.
/my third pointless rant on the death penalty
Last edited by Plan9; 11-09-2010 at 12:48 AM..