Interesting question... and I doubt most people's responses are totally unbiased. Short of having taken an IQ test, we will perceive our intelligence more through the eyes of our personality than reality. The same with looks, and even wealth.
I'm 6'2". I played basketball all my life against guys taller than I am. I honestly do not consider myself tall... more average to less than average.
I have been successful financially in life, but still struggle to accept emotionally that I have more than most. I appreciate it; I know it; I just don't FEEL it. I think it may be due to coming from an economically disadvantaged home.
I know my IQ statistically puts me smarter than most people. I have an older brother whose IQ is off the charts. I've never felt particularly smart. He was also a much better athlete than I was. It really sucks trying to live up to an older sibling who is both smarter and a better athlete than you are.
As for my looks, well I don't think I'm ugly, but I'm far from the best looking guy in any group.
So if I were to answer the question based on what I KNOW, it would be quite different from what I FEEL. I suspect that even when trying to be brutally honest, people with great self-confidence probably overestimate their looks and intelligence, those without it probably underestimate themselves.
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.