I have by law the right of 2 sick days per month and 5 days per year to cover if the kids are sick. They do not accumulate or carry over from one time period to the next. This said sick days have never been an issue as I tend not to call in sick unless it's clear to everybody and me that it's the right thing to do. My current employer doesn't even really keep track of sick days nor vacation days, meaning that it could be calculated but would take time and effort. One reason for this is that I can do most of my work from where I happen to be at the time and in theory I can do all away from the office but I decided that was something that my boss didn't need to know

. So at the end of the day I rarely sign in a whole sick day.
When my kids were born I took 50% parental leave for 6 months, that is in stead of taking 3 months on full benefits from the insurance fund I worked half day and got half benefits for 6 months.