I very rarely call in sick, and when I do it's because of something like the flu or stomach problems. If my position that day is one of a solitary nature and I have quick access to a toilet, I will go provided what I have isn't contagious.
It used to be a widespread and common practice to call in on days when you just didn't want to go to work or had something else you'd rather be doing, and *nobody* cared, but with budget cuts etc...times change. The attitude of "you've earned it, use it if you want to" has changed substantially. That coupled with a few trips to the emergency room, as well as knowing people that have worked there for 15-30 years and have absolutely no sick time, I've made the choice to try to save up as much as possible, in case I ever truly do need it.
My sick leave accrues at a certain number of hours per month, and it increases annually until some point where it tops out. The same applies to vacation time. We also have the option to have overtime and/or holiday hours as compensatory time instead of just getting the extra money on payday.
I've got the love of my life and a job that I enjoy most of the time. Life is good.