Worse off. -Much- worse.
The shop has taken a 60-plus-percent hit. The County revalued our farm two years ago, and decided it was -actually- worth nearly 4x what they said it was the prior year, despite the fact that land, home, -and- livestock prices had fallen and continue to fall. The Dollar has continued taking an international shit, so prices of imported products keep going up, likewise fuel and parts for tractors and other equipment. Obamacare will start kicking in soon, which will further reduce our ability to stay open since it'll hit our already-slim checkbook with yet -another- Cost Of Doing Business which we can't support since we, an actual business, have to be able to sell a product instead of just printing more money to cover an expense. Kinda hard to manage when nobody has work and inflation* is driving greater and greater percentages of everybody's income into food, fuel, and electricity. And since Mr. Bernanke and Mr. Obama both seem to be suffering from Cranio-Rectal Realityphobia, the inflation problem (a serious one for us and anyone else who deals in imports) will only get worse.
It's bad enough that I'm seriously considering going back to work at the pizza joint I worked at in college. Three years ago we were a thriving family business. What's -that- tell you?
*Funny how the costs of food, fuel, and electricity don't get used to compute inflation. They're the three things everybody essentially -must- have, and they're the three things which have suffered the greatest price inflation over the past five years. Nothing like being able to leave out data which makes you look like a lying sack of frogshit!
"I personally think that America's interests would be well served if after or at the time these clowns begin their revolting little hate crime the local police come in and cart them off on some trumped up charges or other. It is necessary in my opinion that America makes an example of them to the world."
--Strange Famous, advocating the use of falsified charges in order to shut people up.