sorry about that, will.
when i posted above i looked at the op then scrolled over the responses.
my comment was directed at the op, not at your response to it.
reading the op was like watching a bad cartoon.
there is the Same (white christian US-ness) and there is the Other (scary bad muslim space-aliens).
then there is this stupid "problem": how do these two imaginary categories interact?
the Same in it's sameness is so very very not the Other in it's Other-ness.
so what would it mean for our Sameness were all this Other-y stuff to happen inside it?
why the Sameness of the Same would be be contaminated by a rampant Other-y-ness.
our Sameness would be Compromised.
what happens then?
other nice groups of conservatives worry about this sort of thing too.
i figure you might get along.
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