Islam in America
I was thinking about Islam and Muslims today after getting a lame Muslim stereotype e-mail list from a relative. It spawned me to actually look up what Muslims believe and the history of Islam specifically in America. My question is it possible for Muslims to eve be fully integrated into American society? How far can America go to accommodate different belief systems without treading on other people's freedom? Allow Sharia courts for civil disputes between Muslim parties? Hijabs in school? Should a woman be allowed to wear a burka through airport security? I believe in religious liberty, but some of the things I found in the Koran as basic beliefs were not consistent with beliefs of America. If you choose to worship one way and live one way, that is fine, but what if the core of your religion allows you to punish those who don't live like you? I was hoping for a thoughtful, respectful, well informed debate, but that probably won't happen.