Originally Posted by kramus
Water weeds. Specifically those purplish-red ones that emerge from the depths when you are in water where you can't see the bottom of the lake. Something about those slimy plants appearing from god knows how deep down, in an environment that would kill me dead if I was stuck in them . . . they seriously creeped me out and made it hard to look down into the water when boating with the family. I would shudder right into my core when I looked at them. Made me tremble, want to pee and cry and all that stuff. I would sit quietly and feel totally horrible whenever we went out and the boat passed over weed patches.
I still don't really like the look of those particular water weeds. Note - I had 2 or 3 near-drowning experiences when I was a little kid while summering at my parents cottage near Haliburton, Ontario. That may have something to do with my enduring horror of those particular weeds.
I just never liked how they felt like hands grabbing at your feet. :shudder:
I avoid swimming in lakes with weeds to this day.