s for the one upping... it's the beauty of competition and an open sourced platform. You get choice.You want a phone with a slide out keyboard? You got it. You want a phone that's cheaper? you got it. You want a phone that can do this over that? Sure! Android's fundamental principals are based upon this. Anyone can go download and use the source code for the operating system if they want... it's even fairly easily to load it onto some phones designed for windows mobile.
And this is what Apple (and interestingly) Microsoft bank on. This is the Linux/Windows/Mac OS debate, carried over to mobile phones. I happen to be a tech geek with the skills to work on any OS I want, and frankly whatever OS on my phone that I want. At work I use Linux because it's an incredibly powerful OS and some of the tools simply work better than Microsoft or Mac OS tools.
But when I'm not at work, or even better, when I'm *paying* for something, I'm not really looking for tinkering or customizability. I want a pre-packaged 'experience' that does what I want without serious modification. Sure, there are lmitations to the iPhone OS and I have it jailbroken for the times where I must absolutely have feature X or feature Y, but the most important thing about it for me is how standard it is. Every iPhone is exactly the same in what it can support (at minimum) and it makes software development and maintenance a hell of a lot easier. Porting Android apps to 12 diferent versions of the OS is no fun, and you have a much greater risk of malicious users. iOS's protections aren't great, but they stop everyone but the most dedicated hackers from getting in. When I go to a restaurant and order a salad, I want a salad pre-made, with the lettuce washed and the ham diced and the cheeze grated. If I want to add or subtract things I can ask for it from the Chef, but I still get the same basic recipe. That's an iPhone. Android OS is the salad washed and put in a bowl, with a dozen little containers for toppings, some of which taste terrible and some taste amazing. Build what you want! .. except I'm paying you to make me a fucking salad, and I want a salad.