Originally Posted by RogueGypsy
You Sir, are an Ass. Never change, that's awesome.
I prefer the term dummy, but I'll accept your compliment. I'll be as honest as I can with as little sarcasm as possible in this thread.
To all those quiet types at the board that secretly can't stand me, you probably don't like me because of
something I said.
/actual point of thread
Originally Posted by RogueGypsy
I absolutely agree. I'm not sure if this was a response to me or not, but the above 'average TFP thread' was based on my experience in the politics section. I should have titled it 'Average TFPolitics thread'.
Dude, you can't even begin to put Politics in the same category with the rest of the board. That's just not fair.
Not even Weaponry's Bear Hunter and Very Stern and Masterful Gaze threads come close to Politics.
Originally Posted by RogueGypsy
Once again, it's not about disagreeing with someone, it's how you disagree with them. And while their may be a core group who understands each others postures, no one else does. Leading us to where we are now. Once again an outsider defending an opinion to the core elite. The last issue I see is that many threads break down into an incestuous circle jerk. While it is amusing to read, there is not much point in trying to respond to the OP if no one is going to read that when the circus side show is so much more entertaining. The above is a quote by Starkizzer a forum member who's been here much longer than I. This last paragraph is exactly what my 'frog' thread is all about. I know I'm not the only one who sees it. The point being all along, that this is what most new people see too. That is your core dynamic.
Big fucking deal, that's the core dynamic of any group that has spent YEARS talking to each other. It's not about disagreeing, it's about how, right? Well, I'm going to disagree with Jazz and Manic Skafe in a more dick fashion because I "know" them. Once again, there is no "elite." There are just people that "know" each other and people who don't, new people or people that don't post. Let's say, for the sake of discussion, WillRavel and MSD and myself are talking about the joy of flux capacitors in a thread about DeLoreans and some new guy chimes in about X-Y-Z on the time machine. It doesn't matter if the "elites" agree or not (probably won't), we just know each other enough to cut the pretense and get to the core issue. Granted, that often leads to inside jokes and other threadjacking behavior. I assure you that WillRavel and MSD and I disagree on plenty of things and probably wouldn't like each other much in real life without the assistance of alcohol. Good TFPers, from what I've seen, add substance before they squirt humor on top. As much as I dislike Our Lord and Savior Fugly, even he has enough of a 50/50 commentary/bullshit format to avoid being lumped in the one-liner-dispensing asshole category (although maybe not recently, I haven't been paying attention). So, in conclusion: there is no elite; just crusty fucks, silent fucks, and new fucks.
Everybody in the "intimidation" crowd needs to stop being so goddamn emo. It's the anonymous Intarweb. Zero pressure. Put yourself out there. There is bound to be friction. It's just text on a screen. You'll live. And from what I've seen myself and heard others say, you might actually learn a thing or two.
Hmm. Given the opportunity, I would change my username to SgtMaj Douchebag and change my user title to Xerxys' TFP Elite Crowd.