It doesn't matter if you don't believe there's a 'clique' or whatever the hell we're calling it. The very fact that several of us have mentioned this should be proof it's a prevalent feeling. Consider those of us who do contribute even despite this feeling. What about those newcomers who are less vocal or a little timid about putting themselves on the line, anonymity or not?
When I first joined, I was pretty blown away by the intelligence shown here. I even commented here and there, but it pretty much felt like I was on my own. Then I posted some artwork I'd drawn and actually got some responses and insight: That was the first time, in probably a month, that I felt welcome. That was after a month.
You don't see it, or maybe you're just used to it, but when you comment negatively toward each other in areas newcomers can see it, it creates a very hostile environment. They're probably thinking, "Wow, look at how they treat themselves-and they've known each other forever!" Why would they want to respond? Why would they want to create new threads? So they could get the same treatment?
I don't know what to do about that, besides welcoming newcomers more and putting ourselves on the line for them first. I've been trying to do that a little in the new users area, but I'm not always available very often.
I missed the new welcome thread before I posted this, so I just wanted to add I think that's an awesome start. Whoever thought of that, you're great =)
“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”
-Pope John XXIII
Last edited by FuriousAvatar; 11-01-2010 at 11:34 PM..