Originally Posted by Willravel
I've changed jobs, too. I've started a new business as a private music instructor. Life is good.
Good for you and best wishes! Music is an important part of my life, and at one time was all that kept me sane. My biggest influence as a teen was my small-town high school band director. Kind of a "Mr. Holland's Opus" guy.
As to me, now...
I manage money for a denominational church pension board. I buy, sell, trade, and hold investments such as stocks, bonds, financial derivatives, real estate, land, domestic and foreign currency, and... other stuff. I work under a non disclosure agreement, so I can't say much more.

I started here in 2004 as a part time filing and data entry clerk.
I have a masters degree in econometrics, emphasis on measuring the results of local, county, and state economic development incentives. I do a little consulting in that area. I also run a successful investment fund for myself and a couple of family members. Hey, that's how Warren Buffet started.
It kind of boggles my mind that I'm doing so well at this playing with money thing, since my interests lie mostly in the so-called hard sciences and the fine arts. But here I am. I'll probably be here a long time, unless my Sig other gets a job somewhere else.