Originally Posted by EventHorizon
....some of us had Fetal Information Syndrome...
I think it's FECAL Information Syndrome, because so much of it is useless crap...
Take facebook for example. There's no doubting that Facebook has become the new MySpace in the sense that all the newest and hippest companies are advertising there, friends, relationships, and even marriages are announced on Facebook.
I find this annoying, that Facebook is turning into another major channel for advertising. Don't we already have plenty of venues for advertising? And BTW, that's one of the great things about TFP: No ads.
I would like to know what TFP thinks. Are we addicted to information? If we are, is it bad? if it is, what can we do to reduce the addiction without substantially degrading our ability to communicate with one another?
At work I couldn't function without the internet. I work with financial information, and a lot of what I need isn't even available anywhere else. Even some limited distribution subscription material that used to be available on paper or CD/DVD is now online only.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
....I think it's a situation of too much information. We can only process it so fast,...There is always more information that we can ever take in.
Once the pace of the input surpasses the ability to process, we are in information overload trouble. This doesn't necessarily have to be a huge amount of info, it just has to outpace understanding. A couple of years ago I had a minor fender bender because I couldn't quickly process a four word traffic sign at a roundabout in Bulgaria. A four word information overload -- and crash!
....I've fallen into a rut on the Internet, where I spend 99% of my time here at TFP and at Facebook, YouTube, and Wikipedia. I need to branch out to something more diverse and valuable—more knowledge/wisdom, less information.
Yeah, sometimes I find myself spending a lot of time here at TFP and doing junk reading. It's escapist, and usually means that I'm avoiding doing something more important that needs to be done.
Also, +1 and thumbs up

to everything snowy said in Post #2
Just a thought, but I have trouble relating the title of the thread to the original post. What am I missing?