Originally Posted by Jinn
I had to stay away from this thread because I felt like I couldn't post maturely on it - I'm still not certain I can. The OP reads like a threat, like "if you don't post more content I'm taking away your toys" sort of threat. For whatever reason I respond really poorly to threats, and I usually egg on the person threatening me, to my own detriment.
That's why I didn't respond at first... then I took a few days to really think about it, and about reasons why I don't contribute as much.
Part of it was personal...there were a couple of threads a while back where I got a very "well, your opinion sucks, and you're wrong" vibe from a couple different people. I stopped posting in those threads, and avoided those people in other threads as well.
Part of it was facebook. I have about 30 TFP members listed as friends, so things I'd cross-post in the past, I won't now... repetition and all that. ("most of the people that would respond have already done so on facebook.")
And part of it is just life. Huge change in my life went down in June (for those of you who don't know, if there are any

, I moved to NC from Ohio.) New job, new living arrangements, new town, new dog... major transition period for me, and I tended to shy away from everything and everyone, online and off.
Goodness, I'm starting to ramble. Anyway, those are my reasons, which I suspect aren't all that different from other people's reasons. Changing the site won't help that. I'm really hoping there aren't any drastic changes, because I love TFP the way that it is. So, while I'm not a huge fan of the way this was worded (sorry, cynth), the point is, indeed, taken.