Originally Posted by Martian
This guy beat the shit out of an old man, is what this comes down to. Not a very nice old man, and maybe he deserved it. But in the end what was accomplished here? No future crime was prevented.
I just want to point out that at the age of 65, this guy isnt too old to still perpetrate. I have worked with lots of kids who have been sexually abused by their grandparents and great grandparents, elderly neighbors, etc. And even if he isnt suppose to leave the grounds unsupervised, I have worked with victims whose perps had those same conditions.
just saying....
perps are also human beings and often where victims themselves. Unfortunately this priest matured during a time when things were kept secret and hidden away without any form of treatment or counseling offered. Not alot of treatment works but people who want it to work, work it to make it work. I am not excusing his behaviors. This is a high crime of legal, moral and spiritual issue. I just dont forget there is a human being attached to the lable of perpetrator. Which is why I dont agree with what was done to him.
Had it been my child? Actually my daughter was kidnapped by a volunteer at the local park when she was a teen. He had groomed her to get her to the point of kidnapping. By a fluke, the circumstances changed and he let her go. When i got the call I was a raving maniac. I had to be held down. I was as much of a mad dog as any actor could portray on tv but this was real and what I wanted to do wasnt pretend. I came to my senses, thanks to the people at work, got to my home, and we began a long process of healing for her, that still isnt closed up. Had he done anything to her? I doubt I would be sharing this with you. I doubt I would be holding the stance what was done to the priest wasnt right. But maybe I would. And maybe I would say what I did wasnt right either...but it was what I needed to do. And maybe not. Maybe I would have pulled it together and not hurt him.
:::flashing to her face that day::::
for the record, he lives in fear of me now. I did get a chance to tell him about my disection training on cadavers....in detail....
wow and all I wanted to say was 65 isnt too old...