I really got tired of MTV, if it wasn't real world, then it was the lack of music videos. MTV use to be great, showed the best music out there, was a jumping block for alot of great artists and was a great source of entertaintment. Lately, with corporation and fads being money makers, it's all commercial. They are confliciting messages, they will show anti-drug commercials and shows (BTW their "view" into the world of people who use drugs are always blown out of the water, True Life: I'm on X and True Life: I smoke weed were pure media-hyped urban myths) music videos with drug refrences and drinking. Spring break is not real life, nor is Real World/Road Rules. I wish someone would pay my rent for a year, give me a kickass job somewhere on a tropical island! Shit I can barely afford a trailer in bum-fuck-egypt and I work as a server. <P>I miss the days of non-stop videos of rock and good bands... but now it's all rap and reality TV shows, because all the kids now watching MTV want to be black (and still live in white upper-class neigiborhoods).
<P>**Steps off soapbox and sets it afire** Well I'm done