I had sequential dreams about hannibel lecter, each building one upon the other, telling a tale, mounting to a message that was to be delivered to me at the end of the series. It took about six months for this to take place. During this time, I would waken, terrified, still in the dream, kicking out of bed onto the floor and crawling across it screaming and howling as tho he were atop me to fuck and eat me in not the nice way. I could feel my flesh be torn off my body. I never knew when these dreams would hit. The anxiety was terrible. But finally, when the last "episode" (for lack of a better word) occurred, instead of being terrorized into awakening, I simply sat up in bed and the revelation came. It was magnificent. Profound. And something I absolutely had to know or I never would be complete in life.
I have never had such a dream since....
Originally Posted by noodle
I freaking loved Silence of the Lambs.
People only made fun of me for watching it when I admitted that I've seen in in excess of 25 times since high school. Something about Anthony Hopkins and his eerie portrayal of Hannibal gets me.
Shaolin Soccer--Just a really funny, really good, over the top Kung-Fu movie. Silly as all get out, but fun!
People more make fun of me for the movies I can't stand or turned off. 