One of the things I sometimes notice is that TFP is like one big family, and while that's a great feeling for the current members, it's hard to be accepted into a community that's already pretty close-knit. I've been coming to TFP off and on for a while now, and I honestly don't see many new faces, which is awesome when looking at the "dedicated member-base" viewpoint, but it should be no wonder we're not growing when all the newcomers feel like they're watching a family sitcom. My only suggestion (and I've seen this implemented in forums that I've moderated before) in this regard is to spend more time welcoming people in the "New users" sub forum, get them to talk about themselves a little.
The other thing I see constantly is because TFP is a lot like a family, it's also a lot like a family that has been stuck listening to each other during a long car ride. Obviously we're all going to know a lot more about each other-but that also leads to knowing things we don't like about each other. Having more users contributing will help alleviate that some, but another thing to consider is taking time to respond to threads you usually wouldn't. Another would be to simply take some time away from the 'site.
When we talk about becoming staff of a sub forum, what does that mean exactly? Is the idea to moderate said sub forum, to start discussions, or facilitate threads?
“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”
-Pope John XXIII