I think a major problem is the amount of "hit and run" posts we have. Posts with only a picture or joke, that type of thing. I'm not saying those posts aren't entertaining, because 99% of the time, they are. Then there's the issue (wouldn't exactly call it a problem) of threads evolving from the main topic into another topic that's usually related to the OP somehow, but not the OP in its original form. A good example would be the "do cops have an expected right to privacy' thread: started out discussing exactly what the title said, then it morphed into reasonable force, etc. You can only talk about right to privacy for so long until it gets old and it loses flair, but Member X says something of interest that Member Y replies to, sparking a new discussion in that same thread.
Questions I have about all of this, Cyn: has this type of problem popped up in the past? How was it solved? Is it possible that TFP is stretched too thin with the many subforums, because I look at the list you put up and I can see a few merging together, and some I don't visit at all (#2 and #3 most threads most notable).
Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.
Give me convenience or give me death!