We only have a couple of videos, and I haven't heard that in any of ours - but there are a lot of videos available. Maybe, we have been lucky so far. I agree that would not be something we would expose at this young of age. He's in daycare, though, and most parents don't care. He picks up all sorts of bad behavior at daycare which we squash. Internally, it's amusing to watch him try some new behavior and then look at you like, "Is this going to fly here? Nope? Okay."
I have some of those big cardboard blocks too, they are a pain to build but awesome to play with. It sounds like we are similar in that we try to focus on non-electric toys and very limited TV.
Puzzles are also big at our house. Melissa and Doug do good puzzles for two year olds.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."