Originally Posted by StarKizzer
The last issue I see is that many threads break down into an incestuous circle jerk. While it is amusing to read, there is not much point in trying to respond to the OP if no one is going to read that when the circus side show is so much more entertaining.
This requires a certain level of investment in the community and... uh... yeah, maturity. I realize that I'm the guy stomping the threadjack throttle in a lot of cases, but I always make sure to go that extra mile in the beginning to address the thread's real issue. I wish others would do the same instead of cutting right to the dick 'n fart jokes. I know it's hard, guys... but think about the site. To put it in terms we all understand: Pretend that your thoughtful post is the foreplay phase and that the jokes are the manic hip thrusting phase. You gotta do the foreplay right so both parties enjoy the pounding.
Originally Posted by StarKizzer
Cyn, thank you for all the hard work you do! I know this doesn't fix anything, but I think you deserve to hear it.
It's true. I also appreciate your tremendous behind the scenes efforts and if you need anything that I can provide (which is next to nothing) let me know.