Originally Posted by Plan9
Tenacious. I can dig. Let's change the title to, "a theory on and question for larger girls."
Do fat girls get hit on as much as skinny girls? How does this influence their sexuality?
Is the urban legend that all fat girls give head like champs to compensate for their BMI true?
moot. sexuality and "being fat" and "sexuality and breasts" are two very different things.
Originally Posted by Plan9
PURPOSE: Uh, turns out breasts are used for breast feeding infants. That is their purpose.
do we not live in a world of multitudes?
Originally Posted by Plan9
From a Darwin-of-the-Nasty perspective, sure, breasts may be shaped to attract men. I mean, gorillas don't sport big round tatas. I can't see them contributing to monogamous relationships, however, because there isn't a man on the planet that wouldn't mind having a couple of sets to play with on the weekend. But that's more of an extension of human (male) sexuality, the desire for novelty and thus new partners, than just blaming boobs.
are these assumptions or meticulously researched hypotheses?