Originally Posted by Rekna
When did this thread turn into what Hektore should do? I'm referring to the data presented in the OP. All I want is people to determine what is the truth, something that people are way to reluctant to do these days. Should Hektore invest money? Of course, everyone should. Social security is not a substitute for a retirement plan and it was never meant to be.
What I was trying to do was bring up important information about one of Mr. Johnson's stated facts. The phrase he uses when describing social security is "completely sound for the next 25 years". I have a bit of a problem with that, as his definition of 'completely sound' and my definition must be very different. Operating at a deficit so great as to burn through a multi-trillion dollar trust fun in 27 years is not something I would consider 'completely sound' but, apparently, as long as all the benefits are getting paid, then Mr. Johnson doesn't see any problems. It doesn't seem to concern him that a mere two years after his deadline social security is expected to have no savings and be unable to pay benefits that will be in excess of the revenues collected. The tight timing of his forecast forces me to be believe that this was done deliberately and Mr. Johnson is playing games with 'truth'. While it doesn't impact on the truth value of his other 7 points, he certainly isn't doing anything to help his credibility.