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Old 10-27-2010, 02:19 AM   #24 (permalink)
FuriousAvatar's Avatar
Location: Juneau, Alaska
Long post ahead.

Oh, excuse me, sir. I'm afraid we need to move this. Can we accommodate your group by putting it over here?
This assumes the idea that the group is only just sitting down. I can recall numerous instances where a smaller group arrived, ordered food, received said food, then magically multiplied in number, the newcomers situating themselves precariously around the table and blocking off or even crowding out other customers. Yes, on those occasions we usually accommodate the entire group by moving them to a larger table-but can you imagine doing so (setting up, moving the already ordered food and drinks, etc.) while in the middle of a lunch or dinner rush?

I got you fooled! Perhaps, but there's a difference between managing expectations and managing bad behavior. You're example is one where your "patrons" should have been asked politely to leave. Remember also that the OP isn't referring to a pizza joint.
We actually do provide a free dessert and singing where I work-but I can understand where they're coming from. People become upset and sometimes will tip you badly or won't tip you at all, regardless of exemplary service or not, if their expectations aren't met-whether it's because they expect something to be what it's not, or because we don't have something they want.

Don't agree. It works that way if people are properly trained to handle the situation.
First off, not only do we have closing duties as explained above, wherein we need the door to remain open for a while, but when a restaurant is closed there's a high likelihood there are still customers inside, who are either finishing up their meals, or who made it in before closing time and are just now getting their meals. I personally would find it rude to lock my customers in. I'm more than happy to explain that we're closed already-I realized a long time ago people aren't very observant when it comes to signage that points out we're closed, or our hours. There are those who become belligerent about the point, however, and waste time that I could spend better serving my last customers, or even starting my closing duties. It's not a matter of being trained for this situation, it is simply another drain on our time.

Nor would I expect that. I said "IF" you can accommodate me, otherwise you just explain that you can't, but you'll be happy to seat me at the next available table, in about x minutes. If X is too long, I can choose to go elsewhere.
That's great, and I love it when people have that attitude: They were late, they know it, so they'll wait for the next table. But trust me when I say that is a rarity when it comes to these situations. By and large, I'll wait 15 minutes (20 for a large party) past when the reservation was supposed to come in, and I'll call if we have a number for the party. If I hear nothing, I give their table away. Seems pretty fair to me. Those parties that end up getting to the restaurant past the grace period are invariably upset that their table was given away. "But we had a reservation!" or similar is what I often hear.

Training. "Sir, if you continue to behave this way, we'll have to call the police. Please leave." If he won't, pick up the phone and call 911, right in front of him. Most people will leave.
Dunedan understands why this is an issue. It's not that we don't know what to do when this happens, but while we're dealing with this sometime friend of so-and-so, calling the police or whatever the situation merits, we're not serving the other customers. This can also be a very upsetting scene for some people. They didn't come to enjoy a nice meal with their family only to be interrupted by someone dropping F-bombs about how stupid the waitstaff are because they don't know they're a friend of the owners.

After question #3, "Excuse me, please hold." Then press hold. Come back when and if you can.
And then we lose a customer because, "They were rude to me on the phone and kept me on hold forever!" This is a lose-lose situation, pretty much. Either you: Neglect the people in the actual restaurant by spending time to explain what a burrito is and why it's different from a taco; Ignore the phone and lose customers that just want a to-go order; Or piss off someone who's never even heard of the restaurant until today and now suddenly wants to know how it was founded and why you don't have halibut right now.

Note that every example found within this post is self-experienced, and happens on a nearly daily basis. Tell me you honestly wouldn't tire of these shenanigans, and I'll lick your balls and call you daddy.

tl;dr Like any business, restaurants are complex, and every time you interrupt its flow you break its rhythm.

Also, as an aside, I hear the ol', "If you don't like it, why don't you find another job" spiel all the time. If everyone in the business followed that advice, you would probably be making your favorite, the #6, at home, because there'd be no one to make it for you any more. I have never met someone in my 6 years working in the food service industry who could honestly espouse their joy for working as a server/chef, besides those about their coworkers. I've caught myself wishing people would tip me less if only they'd tell me they enjoyed my service, honestly, but then I wouldn't be able to pay the bills.
“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”
-Pope John XXIII
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