I like women with whom I can connect with and generally complete where I fall short. This would mean investing heavily emotionally for the both of us because I have
zero maturity in that field. She would have to be completely sophisticated and well learned. I can take care of the bacon as long as she takes care of spreading the class to my offspring, if I ever have any. I guess I want a mixture of both.
Off topic ...
Originally Posted by tasineah
wait ...wait....wait...WAIT! feminine does not equate needy and submissive and weak.
Actually, it does. A male with these characteristics would be labelled "feminine." It's not a slight against womanhood my dear. It is merely just an expression. Just like shoes in romance languages are prefaced in a feminine manner. Doesn't mean women should be stepped on. Just how language developed over the years. To not take it as what it is meant to be is to imply that ZombieSquirrel hates women.
Can we end the pedantic soap box now then and get back to the question at hand?