I got by on my own without a permanent male fixture in my life for several years. My mother raised me to do things for myself, and I'm still comfortable doing that--however, I do acknowledge that there are things around our household (and in general) that my husband is better at taking care of. It's not that I can't do these things--he's better at them. He gives me so much shit for this, though
I do like being taken care of, though, and I have a relationship where who takes care of whom depends on a variety of factors--there's a lot of give-and-take. For instance, last night my husband wasn't feeling well, so he snoozed in his La-Z-Boy and I made dinner and brought him tea. This morning, he was feeling better, so he got up early and made me coffee. He's also cooking dinner. Tonight, I'll set up the coffee and the morning oatmeal before we go to bed.
And monetarily: unfortunately, I don't make enough at my current job without my husband's earning power. Sad, but true.