I went to a gun show a year or so ago and some ya-hoo with a booth shoved a pamphlet in my face that had stuff like this. Basically, I took it to a party and we all sat around drinking beer and reading it out loud. Some of it had us falling out of our chairs with laughter. I don't think it was John Birch Society though. These guys are always there and they get a booth in the middle of an aisle center so that you HAVE to walk past them. Honestly, I don't understand how they get in there. The booths are always full (which implies the organizers could be selective) and they don't sell anything - they just throw a magazine at you and try to recruit you. They are so out of place.
If I go to the show in the spring (and remember) I'll look to see who it is and report.
Admittedly, you hear a lot of whispers at shows of the bogeyman taking guns - but this literature is exponentially worse. Coincidentally, I just received my 50th copy of the S.B. 2099 hoax. This thing has been going around for 10 years now.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."
Last edited by Cimarron29414; 10-27-2010 at 10:57 AM..