it amazes me how much concern there is with body contact.
I am so fluid with my sexuality. If I couldnt sleep in a bed with a representative member of a group I could/would/did have sex with, I would be sleeping on the floor all the time.
Or they would since I am the lady.
But then some of them are as well, regardless of their gender.
I read where many of you are fine sleeping in bed with another man...but only as long as no body contact is made.
God forbid body contact is made.
Comfort of any kind could be misconstrued as homo-sex-ual-it-y....
and even in its weakest expression, its still sickening to hear being said out loud...
like a dirty little secret that is still thought of as perfectly acceptable...
I think this internalized homophobia that exists in our culture and is amplified far heavier amongst the male population is deadly to male homosexuals and bisexuals, intesexed folks and FtMs and MtFs. They are all potential preys to the heterosexual predator who feels threatened by the prey's mere existance in their territory. So they seek to kill them off.
For spooning them in in their sleep. A subconscious behavior someone might make while asleep.
I think most men would not kill anyone for accidentally spooning someone in their sleep. I do think someone might beat them up. Call them names. Degrade them. Make them feel bad.
there are many ways to die.
One way is to be gay in america and to face ritualistic insults on a daily basis for being the man you are.
the man you are.
the man you are.
yes, the man you are.
I have fucked straight men, gay men (yes they fuck women too), bisexual men.
they are all men.
holding them
doesnt make you gay
anymore than me fucking them
made me a gay man
it just made us
more accepting of them
and allowed us to be
better uses....