Many charities do an incredible job helping and serving the populations they serve.
Many do not.
Your job is to do your research and serve only the ones that meet your requirements.
This financial climate has hard hit those charities and yes, they ARE desperate. Their fundings have been hit hard and yet their populations they serve have doubled and sometimes tripled or even quadrupled.
I know, for I use to run non profits. Its scary out there right now. Real scary. The government monies are all but dried up.Staffing is now at less than skeleton crews. Operations funds are desperately low. Emergency monies are non existant. Yet, how are they needy suppose to be served?
One day I was driving away from a counseling center after a meeting when a car drove up erratically. It barely stopped, opening up the front passenger car door, heaving out a brown grocer sack, followed by a whispy tow headed three year old girl who landed on her ass as the car drove off. Stunned, she sat there looking at the car as it wheeled off into the street. I was at the stop sign as I watched this transpire. The car was headed in a different direction so it never came my way. Once it was gone the child got up and lifted its arms and started heading in the direction the car went and started crying. I drove back to the center and got the child and the bag and took her in. She had been abandoned.
Your money helps that child and children like her. Or the mom who's face gets beat up so bad it looks like hamburger meat with the toiled brush because dad didnt like the way she cleaned the bathroom. Or the 50 year old who had a brain injury at 12 when he fell off a horse and cant remember more than a 3 step process and needs a sheltered workshop and assisted living.
Give. Just give carefully...