Originally Posted by silent_jay
Edit: Here JTK, no confession has been signed, no plea deal has been signed, so, where are you getting this 'he murdered a US soldier (now we know he did)' angle from? Is it like Santa Claus, a figment of your imagination
Originally Posted by dlish
hmm...let me see... another decade or more languishing in cuba or a sentence with a finite end in site and maybe some closure at the end of it if you could call it that. its a pretty easy call.
Yeah, that's the problem with plea deals. They're often a form of coercion. They can end in admission of guilt based on fear, not necessarily truth.
Even if he signs a plea deal admitting guilt, it doesn't necessary mean he's guilty.
The whole thing is a mess. They're basing much of what they have on "material" they began extracting from him using abusive interrogation tactics.
At this point, the least Canada should do is repatriate him and handle the sentencing. The handling of matters of justice during this period in the GWOT was a disaster. Guantanamo was a disaster. They should have repatriated him along with the others repatriated by other nations. Canada is the only G8 nation to fail to do this. It is a smear on our international reputation.
This need not be about sympathy for Khadr. It should at least be about the rule of law and human rights.
All things considered, I'm not all that surprised we failed to earn a seat at the U.N. Security Council.