Originally Posted by Xazy
Sorry but that sounds pathetic that a congressman can not answer such a basic question. Sadly bad politicians are known to frequently be re-elected.
I don't think Hinchey even considers deficit reduction a priority. He's a member of the socialist wing of the Democratic party that has backed Obamacare, Obama's stimulus programs and advocated even more stimuls spending.
Originally Posted by Xazy
I hope you have a candidate though to vote for, sadly in NY governor race we are stuck between a rabid dog (paladino) and cuomo who is more of the same.
His opponent seemed pretty credible and sharp to me during the debate. As far as Paladino/Cuomo, it's unfortunate that Paladino got the nomination. From what I understand of Albany politics, the Senate and Assembly will limit any governor from doing really wacky stuff. I've suffered thru 12 years in this state with Mario Cuomo as governor and that was enough of having the Cuomo family involved in politics here.
Originally Posted by Xazy
I just found this another candidate who is scary
Yeah, hopefully, if elected she wisens up fairly quickly or she will be gone. In the meantime, one more member of the bipartisan loony coalition in DC.