Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Oh I have little doubt they (GOP) will do all kinds of nasty ass BS to make Obama's life a living hell. I just don't see impeachment in the mix.
I agree that impeachment hearings would be highly unlikely. Thats not to say that some of the new Tea Party crowd wont introduce impeachment resolutions....they just wont reach the level of Judiciary Committee hearings.
The real issue is subpoena power...a power that is limited to the chairman of committees.
Darrell Issa, the current ranking member of the House Govt Oversight Committee has already said he would flood the administration with subpoenas if he assumes the chairmanship....on everything from the stimulus bill and health reform bill to alleged White House ties to ACORN and the White House role (wtf?) in the British "Climategate" controversy.
Much like the last Republican chairman of that committee who issued around 1,000 subpoenas of the Clinton administration between 1994 and 2000 (including a subpoena of the records of Socks, the Clinton cat and the Vince Foster suicide- murder by Hilary's cohorts!)...as opposed to the less than 50 subpoenas issues of the Bush administration in 2007-08 by Henry Waxman.