Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Well the UK seems to be doing it, it can be done. But I'm not holding my breath. I am holding my nose just about every time I vote though.
The UK uses six different electoral systems (only one of which is single member plurality) and has a parliamentary government, so that's not really an accurate comparison. In fact, using the UK as a model to strengthen the chances of third parties and allow people to vote their conscience without side effect would require a fundamentally different form of government in the United State - i.e. it would require a whole new constitution - whereas a constitutional amendment mandating that all elections comply with the
Condorcet criterion (or at least use
instant runoff voting, though there's really no reason not to go all the way to Condorcet voting since it's all the same from the voter's perspective) would allow us to maintain our government as is but allow for much more accurate elections. Sadly, both outcomes seem equally unlikely, which is unfortunate.
(Apologies for the slight threadjack, this is kind of a pet topic of mine
