it would be hilarious to think about the republicans two years of obstruction in congress resulting in the belief out there in the land that the republicans can do something about unemployment were the conservative media apparatus not as effective as it seems to be in generating a stupor that enables it. i mean who'd have thought that the people whose economic ideology is at the core of the present crisis would be able to position themselves as offering a solution by offering more of exactly the same thing that landed up here?
who would be so stupid as to believe that nonsense?
btw what the right is doing is not about jobs. it's not about a coherent approach to the economy or anything else. it's about getting power. and if they do well in the next election, you're likely to see them start trying to actually work with the administration to pass legislation.
so they're already setting up to sell the teabagger right down the river.
which is fine by me.
Some GOP House Leaders Push Compromise -