Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
I like the "gotcha" vibe I'm getting with this news of Chinese miners. It's like stories of miners getting trapped, killed, or otherwise maimed is something new.
Should we also wonder why they don't televise conflicts in Congo, Angola, and/or Darfur as they did for Iraq?
And also the West didnt care very much about Ethiopia kicking the shit out the Islamic government of Somalia and then moan about the pirates... and to be honest you might also note that not many Pakistani or Saudi kids went and died fighting Ethiopia either.
We could all trot out the example of the massacre of the Polish village that the Nazi's were initially charged with at Nurembourg, until they found out that actually the Russians levelled the village - so they just forgot about it.
But all of these things dont change the central point to me
The fact that there is so much bad news in the world doesnt change the fact that we can enjoy good news.
Sadly, people being killed in mines is not especially rare. People being pulled out from 700 metres underground is - and thats why the Chilean story was news.