Betterish. We'll set that aside. Now, let's talk about your thigh rig / Rambo knife / Leatherman problem.
Uh, so:
A: Thigh panels suck. And they're unnecessary for a basic kit. And they block useful pants pockets. You've had to run in them, right? It's awful.
B: Your Serpa CQC Sportster holster has to go. You have a thousand dollar armor setup and a $20 holster. If you're going to use a Serpa for a thigh rig, get the Serpa thigh rig. We don't need to beat the dead horse of "The Serpa is junk!" like those gut-toting dickheads on M4C/LF/Arf, but the particular holster you have in the picture is designed for gentle civilian concealed carry and it's scalloped quick draw shape (unnecessary for a drop leg, BTW) will catch on things and break, especially when hanging out on your leg. If you're going to use the SERPA holster, use the model with the full slide hood (Lvl 2 cop belt/drop leg) because it is more durable and will better protect your pistol (rear sights). Or use a Safariland or 5.11 or whatever. Point is: Use a durable, field grade holster (in both holster shell and mounting system) on kit that goes in the field. It doesn't matter how fast you can draw a sidearm if it isn't there to draw. I haven't seen the problem with you, but thigh rigs are meant to be thigh rigs and thus nowhere near the knee (coworkers).
C: Everybody goes through the Rambo knife phase. I did in Iraq in '03. Your Rambo knife is positioned where it will be a giant pain in the ass. I'd suggest getting a slightly smaller knife and you need to not have it on the front (lead edge) of your thigh where it'll bounce and hook on things as you run (Chunk: "...I hate nature!"), kneel, go the prone, maneuver inside vehicles and buildings, etc. What happens when you get into the rice paddy prone with your kit like that? Do you massage your bladder with that high speed skull crusher pommel? Anyway, I'd recommend keeping it on your belt, strong side, at the 4:30 ("strong side bayonet") so as to not interfere with your pistol draw. After about 6 months of being deployed in the regular army, you'll realize knives are really only good for opening MREs and cutting paracord and you'll probably wanna upgrade to a 3" or 4" fixed blade and EMT shears.
D: That poor Leatherman is just asking to get lost. That type of sheath sucks in general and the location is all bad. I'd recommend getting the Leatherman brand MOLLE case (heavy webbing w/ long Velcro flap; has a steel grommet in the bottom so you can stuff it with the pliers open, nice if you're using both hands) for it and move it onto your first line gear next to your belt-mounted Rambo knife (or second line gear if that's how you run). Your multi-tools will get far more use than your M4 when you're deployed so take good care of 'em.
And now for:
E: Get a decent fold-up dump pouch already. The Maxpedition rolly-polly or the 5.11 clone are about a thousand times better than your hip duffel / ass-mounted reserve parachute. You don't wanna have it get caught in a door or tangled up in your assault pack straps.
F: Why the hell do you have AR mags all over your battle belt? Are you a magical multicam octopus that can draw them with your spare hands? I'd stick to non-dominate hand side (roughly 10 to 12) with your preferred bullet facing and deal with the weak side reload slowdown. I'd also recommend running the bulk of them on your plate carrier (6 or so) and keeping one or two oh-shit AR mags on your left side near your pistol mags. Keep your mags where you'll instinctively go for them when you're using your dominate hand/shoulder.
G: Why do you have another giant IFAK on your belt? Wait... did you steal that one from my man cave? Anyway, it's like your took your CMCB (Chest Mounted CLS Bag) and split it into two parts. Make one small realistic kit, pick a location (vest or belt) and run with it. It's common to run a naked tourniquet on your plate carrier, but it still looks like you've got a ton of medical stuff on your setup. Consider how you'll be using the kit: you're taking care of you with the stuff you're wearing. You're not a medic, right? Don't carry a ton of you're not likely to use. Hell, the only reason I have as much shit as I do on my clunky ass Predator at work is because I'm the only dude on my "team" with any medical knowledge or medical supplies (aside from the stuff I bought for my guys). Sucks to be me in a gun fight.
H: What the hell do you have in that giant admin pouch if it's not holding your flashlight and Leatherman as seen in all the product pictures? Most people keep laminated cards with rosters and grids, a truncated map and a dummy-corded lensatic compass in there. As mondo as the Maxpedition Monkey pouch is on video and for storing a Baby Ruth during airsoft, in reality a flat zippered shingle is probably a better choice for the aforementioned. Don't clog up your workspace with an empty filing cabinet.
I: Where would you put your radio? In the MBITR pocket on your LBT 6094? MBITR should go on your body (ASIPs lunchbox will have to go in a pack). Always plan for comms. The radio is your single most useful tool and most deadly weapon. I realize this is civilian kit and you don't have either of these PRCs, but you'll likely be setting up your military-issue gear in a similar fashion and I wanted to mention it.
J: Speaking from experience with LC2, MOLLE, and fancy civilian shit that I wish I had back then... battle belts work a million times better when you hang suspenders on them under the armor. You saw the ancient 1980s shit I was rocking up until just recently when the BFG setup arrived. Suspenders allow you to run the battle belt a little looser and lower than possible with a stand-alone belt. This is good because running a tight belt at your hips inevitable leads to "Army Urkel" syndrome. A belt setup with suspenders as previously mentioned ran under a plate carrier such as yours is comfortable and tends to stay put.
You've got awesome top notch gear but you need to cut out the excess crap and organize your stuff to keep it as light and tight as possible. If you don't believe me, we'll get kitted up some day next year and I'll take you through the "Will this shit work?" obstacle course I use to evaluate my equipment.
All this is just my opinion as a non-athletic, non-shooting, non-military college dork, of course. I am a meat popsicle.
Last edited by Plan9; 10-15-2010 at 05:01 AM..