Originally Posted by Plan9
How are you framing these responses as negative?
What was that, Negative Nancy?
And you don't expose yourself to sensationalism despite being online? It's everywhere.
No. I don't. It's not everywhere. It's only everywhere if you don't have the discipline to turn elsewhere.
Don't take up stand-up comedy anytime soon. And who said anything about an asinine concept like "omniscient compassion?" You can focus on one thing all you want, but let's try to put it at a wider scope. But, yeah, I get it; I'm done here. I apologize for the unwanted reality check.
*changes channel back to Dancing with the Stars*
No need to apologize. You're just looking at this situation with a wider mindset and that bothers you. It bothers you because there are shitty things going on elsewhere, and I get that. But the point for me is that this story of the miners is about 33 miners trapped in a Chilean mine, who were there for two months until they were extracted spectacularly one by one up a makeshift elevator. The story is not about Haiti, it's not about miners dying in West Virginia, or about those who starved to death.
It doesn't do any good to focus on the "crackers" who glue themselves to CNN and Fox. There are other people in the world, you know. You yourself have pointed that out. Why the censure? You should write for