This year is doing better than the last i'd say. It seems more worth watching. The first season was a bit odd, i thought. Everything they did, even when it was supposed to be a high tension or action scene, seemed.. well.. kinda boring. I dunno what it was..
They're doing some pretty interesting things so far this season. I really got a kick out of seeing one of the seed ships and how it linked up to destiny the way it did. The new aliens are kinda similar to the first ones, i was hoping for something different. Maybe something NOT of the standard 2 arms 2 legs variety. I mean if the alien is going to be CGI anyway ya may as well go all out imagination-wise.
I like how they're injecting some mystery to the show with the "super aliens" watching over them (ascended ancients perhaps? or another ascended race?) And the visions that Rush is having when on the ship's bridge. Is destiny talking to him? is he infected with alien DNA like Chloe? Is it the super-aliens trying to guide him down the "right" path?
The show is still missing a lot of that old stargate charm but its slowly coming into it's own.
We Must Dissent.