inflammation need cold packs not hot ones.
hot packs dilate the blood vessels inviting more blood to the inflamed area. cold ones wick the blood away from the injured area and you get less swelling.
as far as running injuries go, its the reason i gave up running when i was a budding teenager. i had horrible shin splints. and i still do. im still learning to manage it, but im findiing that reducing the intensity but increasing the distance will generally help.
the important thing with shin splints is keeping loose muscles. especially calf muscles. sprinting that will get you onto the toes which cause you to use your calves and shins to overwork can cause shin splints.
i dare say do away with the sprinting. there's no use with it. not right now. you just want to get to the finish line in a 5k. work at running at a continious pace where your heart rate is at 70-80% capacity will get you further than any sprints at this stage.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy