Yes. Sign off and exit MSN (IMPORTANT, DO NOT SIGN YOURSELF BACK IN) and then go 'run' and type REGEDIT to get into the registry editor. Then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft
Now create a new key by selecting Edit from the main menu bar. Select New then Key. Name this new Key: Messenger
Now select the newly created Messenger Key and create another new Key. Only this time name it: Client
It should all look like this.
Next you have to create a DWORD value. So Right Click the new Client Key and select New then DWORD. Name the DWORD PreventRun.
Edit it, and give it a value of 1.
This prevents MSN from clearing the cookie properly. Now, log back into MSN messenger with your information, then log into hotmail while you are logged in, and it should log you into his hotmail. To get back into your own hotmail, just change the value back to 0.