We are still doing kits from Northern Brewer.
So far we've brewed
2 Irish Reds
2 Meads
2 Honey Weizens
1 Blueberry Wheat (For the wife)
1 Raspberry Wheat (For the mother)
1 Carribou Slobber
The Carribou Slobber is the most complex recipe we've done yet. We had specialty grains, 5 lbs of liquid malt, 1 lb of dry malt, 3 hops. We are far behind you guys in terms of experience. I'll keep reading and learning.
We did purchase another primary bucket and a wort chiller. I think we are close to doing our own recipes or doing an all grain brew. Keep in mind, our motivation is to make beer cheaper than we can buy it in the store, to save our households money. So, we will be brewing as good of beer as we can, as cheaply as possible. Also, we are going to plant hops this spring and start purchasing bulk grain, all to decrease cost.
Every once in a while, we will splurge for a more complex recipe, though.
Psycho Dad, we use Northern Brewer rather than Midwest because the kits have better instructions for beginners AND the shipping is $7.99, regardless the size of the order. Midwest shipping can go crazy quickly. Just an FYI.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."