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Old 10-09-2010, 05:40 PM   #5 (permalink)
I'm calmer than you are, dude
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Location: North Carolina
Originally Posted by dksuddeth View Post
this is the major issue I have with people who frown upon open carry and would prefer people carry concealed. why should I have to pay around 250 dollars to be able to exercise a guaranteed constitutional right?
I whole-heartedly agree, though I think your argument may be a bit off topic.

More or less a drunken re-cap of my past statements on the subject:

Open carry, like all things, has its time and place. I open carry when I'm humping around in the woods because there is nobody to piss off and because its just more comfortable than having a G20 rubbing my kidney raw.

I can get where a lot of folks see the open carry thing as obnoxious where concealed carry is an option. Why not carry concealed? You have the means to give yourself a fighting chance and the folks around you who aren't necessarily comfortable with guns get a warm fuzzy due to the "if I dont see it, its not there" mentality.

Open carry in metropolitan areas (where concealed carry is an option) is a lot like the over-the-top Gay Pride parades wherein a bunch of dudes in leather thongs are having a dildo dance fight in the streets of San Francisco. It's not so much about exercising innate rights as it is about saying "Yeah, I'm allowed to do this. Fuck you if you don't like it". Long story, short; it doesn't really do much to further your cause. Instead you look like a dick and alienate the other folks.

So why open carry? Whats the desired objective? IMO, there is no tangible advantage to open carry in Chilli's and the Pottery Barn. If I'm hell-bent on robbing a Chilli's, its a certainty that I am going to shoot your dumb ass first with my concealed weapon. You never had a chance and now I have two guns.
Calmer than you are...
Walt is offline  

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