If you were married to her, I would give you different advice. As she is only your girlfriend, I say get out....now. For whatever reason, the chemistry between the two of you doesn't work and the water under the bridge will make it never work.
Her aggressive nature coupled with your anxiety surrounding sex makes your dick limp. She resents your "broke dick" and takes it out on you by being mean. She doesn't want to have sex anymore because she's tired of being disappointed at the end results. She's stuck with you because of her financial situation and is even more resentful of the situation.
Step 1) Forgive her debt to you. The money is gone anyway and the debt forbids the two of you to make sound relationship decisions. Frankly, I think if you forgive the debt, she's going to break up with you and move out.
Step 2) Break up immediately, and do whatever you want because she is only a roommate. She will hold no sway over you. If she doesn't like the candy wrapper on the coffee table, she can get a job and go live by herself. The golden rule says you can leave a candy wrapper in YOUR apartment anywhere you want.
Step 3) As soon as the lease allows you, find separate living spaces.
In the mean time, go out whenever you want and go meet someone with whom you have better chemistry.
P.S. Based on your posts, I don't honestly think you will leave. I think you will stay with this girl for another 5 to 10 years. That sort of saddens me, but your tone implies you are going to stay in this until the bitter, bitter end.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."