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Old 10-08-2010, 03:20 AM   #1 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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The Three Biggest Threats to Gun Rights


When you think of the people who want to take your basic American right to shoot cans with an AR and a 100 round C-Mag, the usual culprits are damn liberals, Obama, those Brady idiots, and the crooked ATF that's out to get you. While all of those groups would certainly love it if you melted your collection, took up yoga, and renounced pumpkin and can shooting forever, their tired rhetoric is fairly ineffective these days. The groups I will talk about are far more dangerous than loudmouth lobbyists, as these threats come from inside the firearms world, and are deeply ingrained into it. These people discredit honest gun owners, and do their best to make the gun owning community live up to the stereotypes the gun grabbers love to showcase in their arguments. As a smart, active firearms enthusiast it is your duty to identify and speak out against these people that are mindlessly dragging us down and eroding our rights.

Threat #3 - Obese Carry Advocates

This kind of hypocrisy undermines one of the core values of the right to bear argument, the ability to defend yourself with a firearm. All over the net you will find these behemoths instructing you on how to conceal your .460 S&W under an XXL "Co-ed Naked Bass Fishing Team" T-shirt. These people apparently value their lives so much as to carry a firearm in their low crime Midwestern town, where the chances of being mugged are roughly the same of being attacked by an elephant, yet they ignore heart disease, which kills 40% of people in America? One can't help but question their motives here, especially to a gun grabber that probably despises McDonald's every bit as much as barrel shrouds and Black Talons.

Threat #2 - The Open Carry Movement

I've already gone on too long about this group and their crusade to lose the right to carry, so I'll just do a quick refresher. The worst part of this group as it consists largely of people that also fall into threat #3 and threat #1. The carrying of firearms in suburban Starbucks is on the same level as going into the same Starbucks and shouting racism/obscenities at the top of your lungs in an attempt to retain your 1st Amendment rights. All either can do is annoy people and cause a scene, as you can't gain a right you already have. A right unexercised is a right lost? Go ahead and ask the next OCer you see to explain the 3rd amendment for you, ask him what he is doing to not lose that right, and you will quickly realize they didn't read that far in the Bill of Rights.

Threat #1 - The Uneducated

While these people are a detriment to any cause no matter what side they fall on, they are particularly bad within the firearms community, as they are often the loudest. Most of the bomb throwing extremists fall into this category, and you will often find them labeling anyone who doesn't agree with them a "typical liberal" while reading ridiculously obvious pro-gun propaganda that is every bit as bad as something Michael Moore or the Brady Bunch would come up with. This polarizing of the argument will be the ultimate downfall of gun rights, as it attempts to force the middle to the outside, instead of being a live and let live person that may not be interested in firearms, but wouldn't want to remove that right. Wave a gun in their face at Starbucks or repeatedly tell them they will be killed by a home intruder unless they have a gun and guess which way they are going to sway in the poll booth.

So what can you do as an intelligent, honest gun owner that can see that there is more to the issue than the black and white the extremists want to portray? Don't sit back, tell these idiots within our own community to keep their mouths shut, and show the other side that the majority of the gun owning community are normal, educated people that enjoy guns for sport and recreation, and may choose to use them as protection. The majority of the community aren't 300 pound men wearing cowboy hats and AR-15s to city council meetings, and it's our duty to portray gun owners as the normal, level headed people that we are.
- Another babbling SAKIT Blogger-author that calls himself "Heartbreaker"


I tend to agree with most of his points (vast generalizations). Especially the part where he's hating on fat people as if that's a criteria for stupidity.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."

Last edited by Plan9; 10-08-2010 at 03:30 AM..
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