Originally Posted by genuinegirly
Things like rice, beans, flour, yeast, salt, sugar, generic-only canned vegetables, canned beans, frozen vegetables, eggs, milk, and cheese. No meat, no fresh or specialty-brand anything.
What a shitty diet. Just because some uneducated hipster douches don't think meat is important doesn't mean that it isn't actually a pretty important aspect of normal human needs, especially for younger people growing up. And no fresh vegetables is just retarded. I guess a $1.45 10lb sack of potatoes is too much to ask for.
Originally Posted by genuinegirly
Food stamps should have some amount of stigma and hassle associated with their use.
Because obviously being poor during rough economic times means you're just some sub-human trash that should be ridiculed. Being poor and on food stamps must mean you're a bad person and should be a social pariah who doesn't even deserve the ability to purchase food without social stigma.