Originally Posted by genuinegirly
Food stamps should have some amount of stigma and hassle associated with their use.
This statement is extremely offensive to me.
No salad, fresh fruit or squash, for me, eh?
Perhaps the government should issue bright neon t-shirts stamped
with an appropriate stigma slogan, that have to be worn while
in the check-out lane.
I rely on foods stamps versus community food banks, because)1
I am gluten-intolerant. 2: Most food items to be found in the food banks
are rank over-processed food. Canned soups are full of monosodium glutamate. I won't eat a five pound slab of Velveeta cheese food or ring bologna. Sorry.
I do buy & subsist on mostly
whole grain rice & beans, frozen veggies,
olive oil, & cheap frozen catfish nuggets.
Salt & pepper & garlic powder are a luxury you are telling me I don't deserve.
Well, that & the fresh food.
I haven't had a soft drink or a ding-dong or a potato chip in a long time,
nor do I want them.
I can just imagine how the Coca-Cola peoples are lining up their lobbyists
to fight this sort of action. They had big hissy fits about their products
being taken out of the public schools.