Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages
The only reasons a person who ends up on the wrong side of that relationship stays, is because of fear or content. Neither of these are good reasons to pursue a relationship...
You're content...
So she came home last night and had the urge to be nice for once. The problem is that behavior is out of the normal for her, whereas, in a healthy relationship, things would be the other way around.
It sounds like you have no idea what you're missing out on. I've seen it before in friends: Your first love that happened to work out for a long time, but, as most first loves do, things changed and it's not a very healthy relationship anymore. You don't know any better or have anything to compare to, so you just put up with it as if it were normal and sit back contently because, at least, you're not lonely...
There's better out there. There's true happiness. Don't let fear hold you back...