That's how I feel too, if you're a responsible person you shouldn't have much trouble drawing a line between when you get high and when you don't. I know, as with anything, that there are going to be people that abuse it but just like alcohol there should be consequences for that, very dire consequences in some cases.
Is a surgeon who drinks in his spare time going to be taking shots of jack between soaping up and slicing into you? Why then would we assume that same person is going to roll up a fatty and accidentally amputate your left arm?
Personally I'd love to see it legalized, taxed and controlled, you'd have to be 18 (or 21) to buy it and the same laws that apply to drunk driving and other abuses of alcohol should apply as well. It would make money, help depressed areas and save the govt/taxpayers a fortune. Seems like a no brainer to me.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”