Aww, that's nothing. She's probably just on the birth control pill. It made all my former partners into raving emotional kamikazes.
Let's turn this around to find the problem:
If you're such a pain in the ass, why does she keep you around? Think about it. What does she get out of this relationship? What are you doing to enable this? Is she leeching off your financially? Are you just really good at playing doormat to her Godzilla complex? If she's not having sex with you, is she banging someone else? Could it be that she's just a miserable sack of shit that had a bad childhood and thinks its okay to relive it on you?
Time to pick up your nuts, sparky.
Stop being her bitch. Relationships shouldn't be about dominance (outside the bedroom).
Figure out a way to quietly extract yourself from the living area, move your stuff, etc.
Once you've got your own place and all your stuff, cut all contact immediately.
After you're done licking your psychological wounds, get on a dating site and find a woman instead of a troll.
If you have friends / good coworkers, I'd recommend enlisting them to help you with this process.
Last edited by Plan9; 10-06-2010 at 09:37 PM..