Thanks,Tully, for the enlightening facts of one who has dealt with the actual.
Even in my small town of 7000, the two times I was pulled over for a burnt out brake light,
I knew the drill. I saw the officer in my left side mirror casually pretend to scratch an an itch on his draw side,
as I kept my hands high & visible on the steering wheel.
It is & isn't always a matter of patrolling in a known rough area. Being highly tuned, aware & adapting to quickly changing situations is an art.
My first job at 18 was in airport security work.
Being constantly aware yet staying in a relaxed Zen mode was key.
We were tested frequently.
As Tully said: "A vehicle that just looks wrong makes the hair on the back of your head stand up."
Taking that inborn intuition & honing it finer through training is paramount to survival.
I don't know all the particulars of this traffic stop. But yeah, 127 MPH weaving
would draw more than my attention.